Meeting Notes
Update on January 2024 meeting...
Hello Math Club!
We held our first meeting today in room L215 (though it will always be L170 in my heart). We voted in a new President, Colter Marty, and a new Vice President, Natalia Stariha! Beth will stay on as secretary. Congratulations!
In other news, we have two AMATYC competitions coming up, the Student Math League, which runs from February 17 - March 2. This is a math competition, Round 2 (Round 1 was last semester) involving a math test (details at Seth Kingman, one of the math fellows, has graciously offered to help coach the team. Look for a follow up email in the next day or so for more details.
The Student Research League (details at is open for registration. The competition itself runs from March 18 to April 18. This is a different kind of competition involving teams of two or three people working on a research problem and using mathematical modeling to support their idea. Interested students can reach out to for more information.
Stay tuned for more!
Please Join us in MATH celebration MARCH 24TH 2022 in the cafeteria between 1pm and 3pm.
Come Enjoy
-Mathematical Trivia
-Mathematical T-shirts
-Mathematical Pizza
-Mathematical Trivia
-Mathematical Conversation
And any/all things Mathematical
We are looking to recruit more people into our most wonderful Math Club. Please invite your friends and fellow math enthusiasts to come by and sign up.
We are also looking for anyone who can volunteer some time to help setup, run and cleanup. If you are interested in helping out please reach out to me ( or Banu ( and let us know.
Don’t forget to check out the website
See you all there!
Meeting Notes - (Dec 2, 2021)
We discussed the overview of all the projects we will be working on - Calculator Projects, Website project, Guest speakers, and Math Club T-shirt Design.
Raspberry Pi
Funding for Calculator Project to get Raspberry Pi has been approved by Pam and now waiting for Kyra’s approval so we can start the project beginning next semester. Meanwhile if anyone is interested in working on the Raspberry pi starter kit, please visit one of us in the Math Tutoring center.
T-Shirts - There is a thread on Microsoft Teams to specify what size T-shirt you would like. Please leave a comment there. We are going to reach out to Global Cultures Club to see if they would be willing to help us produce the T-shirts.
Website Project - Please reach out to Banu with any ideas regarding the design of the Math Club website, or regarding the design of the logo. Here is an image of the website:
Scholarship Opportunity - Dr. Onunwor spoke about the Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society and the eligibility is completion of college algebra for the scholarship of $4000.
Pi Day – We spoke about preparation for Pi Day next semester
Thanks to everyone for joining the meeting and Specially Dr. Onunwor and Ms. Avani Shah, in their busy schedule.
Next meeting will be held in spring semester. All the best to everyone in the Final Exams!